Nicole R. Ennis

Psychiatric Mental Hea​lth Nurse Practitioner

1030 Seven Lakes Dr.

West End, NC 27376


Call, Text, or ​Email for an ​appo​intment

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Welcome to Agape Counseling Center in West End, North Carolina.

Agape Counseling Center is a privately owned and independent practice that offers ​counseling and medication management for issues such as Anxiety, Depression, Mood ​Disorders, ADHD, and Trauma.

Please continue scrolling to learn more about the services offered here and I look forward to ​learning more about you!

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions via phone, text, or email.

reach out today! ​Available ​appointments​ now!

Let me introduce myself

I am originally from Virginia and have lived here in the Pinehurst area ​since 2021 with my husband and children.

I am a proud momma of 4 children-ages 21, 14, 10, and 7. My son ​serves in the Air Force and I am a huge supporter of our military ​members. My husband also served in the Army and I have personally ​seen the realism of PTSD and how it affects individuals and families.

I began my career working as an RN for over 11 years in different ​medical specialties. I ended up obtaining a Master's degree in ​Professional Counseling from Liberty University with hopes to learn ​the dynamics of becoming a counselor and offering more emotional ​support. These skills have allowed me to be advanced in my field ​currently of providing medication along with therapy.

I then proceeded on with my education and obtained a Masters of ​Science in Nursing at Regis College that prepared me for licensure ​as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

I am very passionate about my work and am so excited to meet with ​you!

While I give myself credit for my hard work, I could not have done ​any of this without God and the support of my family.

Here in the picture is Daisy, and you may find her in the office with ​me for our meetings. With that being said, if you have an allergy to ​dogs or prefer that she not be present, please let me know before ​attending the session.

“I am the daughter of the King who is not moved by the world for my ​God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear because I am His"- ​unknown.

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I realize that no two people are the ​same and as such, tailor my ​treatment modality to meet the ​specific needs of my clients. ​Whether you are struggling with ​anxiety, depression, or any other ​issue, I will help you recognize ​underlying problems, fully realize ​your strengths, and adjust certain ​behaviors and thoughts to see ​things a different, healthier way.

My practice specializes in treating ​individuals ages as young as age 6.

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"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right ​hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you."

-Isaiah 41:13

Conditions Treated




Mood Disorders




Social Anxiety


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"Company newsletters are essential in building relationships with your employees, customers, or even prospective clients."

in-person and ​tele

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When you come to see me ​for a visit, I will start with a ​complete psychiatric ​evaluation and together we ​will make a plan.

I love to do therapy with my ​clients! We can not change ​our behaviors without first ​working on our thoughts.


Do you take ​insurance?

Currently I am working with Tricare​ both Prime and Select.

Prime does require a pre-​authorization to see me to avoid ​extra costs.

For Select, there is no prior-auth ​needed.

I also am working with Healthy ​Blue.

Now accepting patients with BCBS ​of NC.

I can also help you file a claim for ​reimbursement.

What is the cost of an ​appointment out of ​pocke​t?

Sessions are billed at $200 ​for the hour

$100 for 30 minutes.

Do you see children?


I see as young as 6 years ​of age​.​

For child evaluations, plea​se expect the first session to ​be competed with just t​he parent​ ​o​r​ ​g​u​ardian.

CAll 910-420-0226

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What can i expect?

You can expect a welcoming environment ​where I will listen to your hurts, concerns, and ​needs.

I am far from an expert but truly love my work ​and my desire is to help you the very best I can ​while showing compassion and without ​judgement.

First appointments are done on the hour.

All therapy appointments are typically an hour ​and medication follow-up appointments are 30 ​mins.

Medication and therapy appointments are an ​hour in length.

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Individual Th​erapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to help you ​recognize negative thoughts that then lead to ​negative behaviors and emotions. Together, we will​ wo​rk on changing those negative thoughts.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is often needed in situations of ​divorce or to work on understanding each other in ​order to better live in harmony with each other.

Note: this is different then couples therapy.

Faith-Based Therapy

This is a faith based practice and therefore any time ​I can bring the Holy Spirit into sessions with us, I ​believe deeper healing will be done.

You do not have to be a Christian to come see me.

I will meet you right where you are in your struggle ​and trust that God alone will help me to provide ​love and healing. ​t​o​ all.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, ​forgiving each other, just as Christ God ​forgave you". Ephesians 4:32

Speaking from ​the Heart

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By: Nicole R. Ennis MA, MSN, PMHNP-BC

March 29, 2024

Sending many blessings to you and yours during this Easter.

Praises to God for sending his son to die on the cross for our sins and ​was raised again so that we may have eternal life!

Peace to you.


Previous ​Posts


Hello friend. I hope you are well.

How are you doing today? are YOU doing?

Take a moment and breathe.

I want you to focus on the sounds that you are hearing, the way your ​clothes feel on your skin, and is there a certain smell in the air?

This is called being mindful. Mindfulness connects to the part of ​our brain that helps us focus and remain attentive.​your-brain-202105132455

There are so many things that want to pull our thoughts away constantly... ​our jobs, family matters, health matters, politic issues, the list goes on.

I am not saying you shouldn’t think aobut those things but if we are ​constantly letting our thoughts wander then that leads to stress and ​anxiety. When we can take just a few minutes to be in the moment and ​focus on something to be thankful for- this can be as simple as just being ​able to have breath in your lungs- then we can change our brain to learn ​to relax more and can think more clearly.

Try it today, try it now!

Peace to you,


1030 Seven Lakes Dr.

West End, NC

